
Information for whistleblowers

VakifBank places great importance on integrity, transparency and adherence to the highest ethical standards. Our whistleblowing system offers you a secure and confidential way to report any offences or malpractices that may affect the bank, its employees or its business practices.

We encourage both employees and external persons to provide information if they become aware of potential breaches of rules, illegal behaviour or other irregularities. Please note that all reports are treated in the strictest confidence and we will protect you from any possible disadvantages.

Below you will find all the information on the available signalling channels:

Reporting channels for whistleblowers

1. internal channels

- Whistleblowing Website: contact form below

- e-mail: whistleblowing@vakifbank.at

- Telephone: +43 (1) 512 35 20-725 (Compliance)

2. external channels

If you are not satisfied with the way your report has been processed, you can contact the following external bodies:

Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin)https://www.bafin.de/DE/DieBaFin/Hinweisgeberstelle/hinweisgeberstelle_node.html
Federal Office of Justice (BfJ)https://bfj-hinweisgeberstelle.dataport.de/#/
Federal Cartel Officehttps://www.bkms-system.net/bkwebanon/report/channels?id=bkarta&language=ger
EU CommissionSanctions:
Competition law:
European Anti-Fraud Office:

Confidentiality and protection

VakifBank undertakes to treat the identity of whistleblowers as strictly confidential and to protect it comprehensively. Your report will only be checked by the relevant departments and your identity will not be disclosed unless this is absolutely necessary for legal reasons (e.g. as part of an official investigation). In addition, whistleblowers enjoy comprehensive protection against disadvantage, discrimination or reprisals. Should you nevertheless experience negative consequences, you can contact us so that suitable protective measures can be taken.

Thank you for your support in maintaining integrity and compliance at VakifBank.

Contact form